martedì 16 aprile 2024

Area Contaminata #173


L’episodio #173 di Area Contaminata propone sonorità elettroniche, house e techno, alternando novità e ristampe di lavori pubblicati nei primi anni ’90.


The Future Sound Of London - "Honesty" (De:tuned)

As One – "Forgotten Memory" (Lapsus)

As One – "The Priestess" (Lapsus)

Abyssy – "Italodoppler" (New Interplanetary Melodies)

Paranoid London – "Touch The State Of That (with Jennifer Touch)" (Paranoid London)

Paranoid London – "The Bootie Bootv" (Paranoid London)

Spooky – "Little Bullet Part One" (Guerilla)

martedì 9 aprile 2024

Area Contaminata #172


Suoni post-punk e industrial wave nella puntata #172 di Area Contaminata.


Girls in Synthesis - "Lights Out" (Own It Records)

Girls in Synthesis - "Deceit" (Own It Records)

Xmal Deutschland - "Schwarze Welt" (Sacred Bones)

Anja Huwe - "Rabenschwarz" (Sacred Bones)

Kim Gordon - "I Don’t Miss My Mind" (Matador)

Test Dept. - "New World Order" (Cherry Red)

Keith LeBlanc - "Unsanity" (Blanc)

Ike Yard – "Facile" (Dark Entries)

Ultravox - "Quiet Men" (Island)

Menko Konings - "Where Ever You Go" (Top Tape)

Coil - "Bee Stings" (Dais)